Expedition through unknown terrain!!! Sounds so adventurous...
This is how I perceive life.
We come into this world as a child, receive all the care and affection from parents and grow up. And one fine day we leave our homes & start living on our own.
From the shade of umbrella of warmth, we move to a world heated up by the harsh realities.
We keep moving on the perilous road of life. We come across many lives. WE make friends, build bonds of trust, fall and rise, make mistakes and learn, trust and get deceived, win and loose... Whatever be our circumstances, we keep moving with hope in our hearts..
We don't know what gift is wrapped in the next moment. We don't know what the next turn of the road of life will reveal. Sometimes we don't even know the people with whom we are sitting.. That's the beauty of life..
Future, a system of probabilities, is camouflaged in time. It remains unexplored till the next moment arrives.
Amidst of all these, we discover the bliss of living.. But how??? By being in the present and living it to the fullest. Easier said than done.
Thich Nat Hahn said "Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future." Life too can be lived this way. Feel its warmth, smell the aroma and taste it slowly.
Anyways, it's still going to remain EXPEDITION THROUGH UNKNOWN TERRAIN!!!
This is how I perceive life.
We come into this world as a child, receive all the care and affection from parents and grow up. And one fine day we leave our homes & start living on our own.
From the shade of umbrella of warmth, we move to a world heated up by the harsh realities.
We keep moving on the perilous road of life. We come across many lives. WE make friends, build bonds of trust, fall and rise, make mistakes and learn, trust and get deceived, win and loose... Whatever be our circumstances, we keep moving with hope in our hearts..
We don't know what gift is wrapped in the next moment. We don't know what the next turn of the road of life will reveal. Sometimes we don't even know the people with whom we are sitting.. That's the beauty of life..
Future, a system of probabilities, is camouflaged in time. It remains unexplored till the next moment arrives.
Amidst of all these, we discover the bliss of living.. But how??? By being in the present and living it to the fullest. Easier said than done.
Thich Nat Hahn said "Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future." Life too can be lived this way. Feel its warmth, smell the aroma and taste it slowly.
Anyways, it's still going to remain EXPEDITION THROUGH UNKNOWN TERRAIN!!!