Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Incomplete Poetries

There is something poetic about those unfulfilled dreams,
Something beautiful as it seems,

Untravelled places,
Unread books,
Unsaid words,
Unexpressed emotions,
Sleepless nights,
And in the mind goes on and on a series of endless fights,

Canvas left half painted,
Broken pieces of self which remain unmended,
Lump in the throat,
Tears welled up in the eyes,

Unachieved goals,
Unaccompanied journeys,
Unacceptable guilts,
Unrequited love,
Undesirable pains,

There is something poetic about those unfulfilled dreams,
Something beautiful as it seems,
About unsolved mysteries,
Unwritten stories,
And incomplete poetries....

                             (PC: Google )